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Video Modeling Portfolio »

Get Famous!

Welcome to the new era in modelling: video portfolio!

Practically; all models (novice, amateur & professional) have a large repertoire of portfolio photographs!

Each casting director/casting agency they come across; gets a load of photographs shared either on social media platforms or via. WhatsApp.

The casting directors are fed up of looking through so many portfolios.

We have the perfect solution: video portfolio for models!

Book Your Video Portfolio!

The advantages to models are multi-fold:

  • Showcase their acting skills along with portfolio variations
  • World class video with sleek presentation
  • Includes their photographs
  • Final video for social media and WhatsApp sharing.

A typical video portfolio includes:

  • Royalty free background music.
  • Full HD video shoot with audio.
  • Scripting.
  • Editing.

Tejal Hode - Video portfolio »

Video Portfolio Process »

Here is the complete process, that involves pre-production, production and post production:

A formal discussion with the model is held at our Ghatkopar studio.

Our script writer jots down points, that is converted to a proper script.

The model does a few rehearsals, so that he/she is comfortable with the speech and during the actual shoot.

The model gets ready for the shoot, with makeup and hair done by our in-house professional artist.

The actual shoot is done, with couple of takes and re-takes.

During the post production phase (editing stage), we add a royalty free background score and photographs shared by the model.

The final video is shared with the model via. online file sharing platforms like wetransfer.com as well as WhatsApp version.

Tia Joshi - Video portfolio »

In addition to producing video portfolios, we also offer host of photography services:

Pashminu Mansukhani