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Company Brochures Designing »

Elevate Your Brand

Looking for creative corporate brochure ?

Congratulations! You have arrived at a correct place.

With 10+ years of expertise and experience in corporate photography along with company videos and corporate headhots, we now offer a range of new services: company brochures, industrial brochure designing, product catalogs and jewellery brochures and flyers.

Let us delve a bit deeper into the general confusion about the differences between brochures, catalog, pamphlet, flyers and leaflets.

  • Corporate Brochures: These are the most sought out services from our 200+ clients. We have had the privilege of providing corporate photography, corporate videos, profile videos and corporate interviews for various clients all over India.
    A typical corporate brochure is the one that illustrates the mission, vision and credibility of the company. The most preferred size is A4 (210 × 297 millimeters or 8.27 × 11.69 inches) and four pages are adequate in conveying the message.
  • Product Catalogues: These are the product offering of a manufacturing company. We have several years’ experience in designing industrial brochures for varied industries.
    Product catalogues are primarily aimed at the technical audience like production managers, engineering and industrial designers.
    These catalogues are generally 8+ pages and contain: a brief on company, photographs of manufacturing unit/s, industrial product photographs, performance curves, tables and tabulations of various parameters and machines/products.
  • Pamphlets / Flyers / Leaflets: These are the on-the-go marketing tools used by the companies to reach out to general public and generally just one sheet with both or one side printed.
    The primary aim of these type of printed marketing tools is to increase awareness. In many cases, these are distributed at trade fares and also as newspaper inserts.

For more information on brochures, check out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brochure.

Carpets Of Kashmir - Company Brochure »

mockup for corporate brochure
Corporate Brochure Mockup

Brochure cover page
Brochure - cover page

Corporate brochures
Corporate brochures

Inside pages of company brochure
Inside pages of company brochure

Top view company brochure
Company brochure - top view

Inside two pages of the brochure
Inside two pages

We approach corporate brochure designing with systematic approach.

For a four-page brochure, we suggest the following:

  • Page 1: Cover page – This the most important page, as the audience is going to first and foremost view the cover. An attractive design is the hall mark of a cover page. Company logo and name are just two of the important elements in a cover page. The other contents maybe: photograph / graphic elements / abstract art etc.
  • Page 2: Company information – This page generally illustrates the company brief and infrastructure along with company mission / vision. In some case, we can also have the statement from the chairman / CEO / Managing Director (MD) along with their corporate headshot.
  • Page 3: Offerings – After the cover page, the viewer sees this page. Hence, this page showcases the products / services of the company along with their USPs. Remember: Less is always more. Keeping this page clutter free yet informative is critically important. Too much of text / images tends to make the pages heavy and not easy on eyes to read.
  • Page 4: Contact Information - This page focusses on the branches: domestic and international along with manufacturing unit/s etc. Depending on the content we can have maps/flags of various countries or a global map. The bottom part of the page is generally allotted to the head office address and communication links.

Types of Brochures »

Depending on the content, target audience and purpose of the corporate brochure, the size and number of pages vary.

The most popular brochures types for single sheet are bi-fold (single sheet, printed on both sides and folded in center) and tri-fold (three folds).

For multiple pages (sheets), the content is divided into multiples of four pages.

Conclusion »

With holistic approach and complete adherence to quality matching our services; it is our continuous endeavor to deliver the best in class company brochures, pamphlets and other marketing colaterals.

Pashminu Mansukhani