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Employee Onboarding & Staff Induction Videos »

Get the best from your employees!

Employee Onboarding Videos »

In the dynamic realm of modern organizations, the process of welcoming and integrating new staff members holds paramount importance. Staff induction, often referred to as onboarding, sets the tone for an employee's journey within the company.

Staff induction videos represent a contemporary approach to acclimating new employees to the organization's culture, values, policies, and procedures. These videos go beyond traditional methods, leveraging the power of visual storytelling to engage, inform, and inspire newcomers.

By encapsulating key information in a dynamic and easily digestible format, induction videos create a seamless transition for new hires, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding from the outset.

From showcasing an organization's ethos to providing essential training modules, these videos play a pivotal role in not only enhancing the employee experience but also in accelerating productivity and nurturing a cohesive work environment.

In a time where engagement and productivity hold utmost significance, staff induction videos emerge as a revolutionary instrument, reshaping how organizations introduce and assimilate their latest team members.

"People learn nothing when they’re asleep and very little when they’re bored.”- John Cleese

Induction videos or employees onboarding films can of various types; targeted towards specific audience.

Types of Employee Onboarding Videos &

1. Company Overview Video:

This type of videos is aimed to provide the employees who have just joined the company at any position.

The video is typically a long duration avatar of the corporate video and includes all the departments and various processes in case of manufacturing company.

The aim is to give the new employees a bird’s eye view of the operations, departments, locations of various offices domestic / global and a message from the CEO / managing director on their board vision for the company’s future.

Check out this video that we produced for Prevail Casting Pvt. Ltd. (Rajkot; Rajasthan).

2. Welcome Style Video:

A warm welcome goes a long way in establishing strong and long-term association.

Welcome style employee onboarding videos are generally video shoots that we undertake at the corporate office of the CEO / Managing Director (MD).

It would be a good idea to have video bytes of the managers with whom the staff is going to interact on regular basis. This creates a bonding and familiarity between the two.

The message: short and straight from the ‘mouth of the horse’!

Such a direct message empowers and motivates the new employee and makes them feel welcomed to the company by the ‘boss himself’!

3. Processes & Procedures Explaining Video:

Once an employee is onboard, she/he needs to imparted with knowledge specific to the processes followed by the company.

Each company has different set of processes for accomplishing a task.

It is a huge time and resources saving activity to have a video explaining the basic processes and procedure to the newbie.

Different departments should have process specific videos that can be reviewed by not just the new comers but also by the current staff to keep them updated about the changes in the procedures and processes.

These type of videos can also include information about the HR policies, compensations and benefits along with insurance and other procedures.

4. Safety Video:

In pharmaceutical and manufacturing companies; it is pertinent that all the staff members not just understand but also following the procedures.

We have done several photography projects for pharma companies all over India.

Here is an employee onboarding safety video done for Glenmark Pharma Ltd. at their Nashik (Maharashtra) plant.

This safety induction video with Marathi voice over (VO) was aimed at the plant workers entering and existing the plant. They are required to follow a set of practises; according to the guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Advantages of Employee Onboarding Videos »

In addition to the ‘feel-good’ factor; here are some of the benefits of having good staff induction videos:

  • Immediate connection with the company - A newbie will form an immediate connection with the company / organisation; as the videos will inform & educate him/her about the company, policies, process and procedures. The new employee feels more comfortable and relaxed; from day one. This brings down the anxiety levels to a great extent.
  • Positive impression – A company that goes to the length of investing in good onboarding videos creates a positive impression in the minds of the new employees. The onboarding videos are not just for the new people joining the company but also for the staff transferred from one department to another and/or from another region of the country or globe.
  • Corporate image reinforcement – An onboarding video reinforces the corporate image and sends an important message to the employees: “This company cares for me”.
  • Familiarise the company - An organisation is not just the infrastructure and machines; it is the people who run and work at various level that make or break a corporate. Familiarity breeds comfort and confidence. Employees devout more time & energy in projects where they ‘feels’ connected with and relate to the corporate goals.
  • Opens communication – Communication is a vital key to success of any organisation. Companies encourage their staff members to be open about their thoughts and communicate with clarity with their team members as well as managers. A good well scripted onboarding video; allows the new employee to ‘open up’ and reciprocate the communication from the other employees.

Onboarding advantages - Infographic

Conclusion »

Employee onboarding / staff induction videos are critically important in any good organisation that is focused on long term growth with its employee assets. Feel free to get in touch with us for these type of videos.

Feel free to contact us for the following videos »