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Training Videos – An Investment »

Worth every Rupee!

Training & Learning Videos »

Video Education - The Best Investment!

Training and learning videos are the hall mark of high level corporate culture.

Companies typically invest in the education and empowerment of their employees so that the overall productivity and team building takes pace.

Experience our seamless pan-Indian timelapse videography services capturing the essence of projects nationwide.

5 Advantages of Training Videos »

  1. Saves enormous time, money and resources. As the training is undertaken by the experts; capturing the same in a professional manner enable to dissipate the knowledge to far wider audience spread across the geographical areas where the offices and manufacturing centres are located.
  2. Training videos can be distributed along with the employee induction kit as a part of employee onboarding process.
  3. DVDs are made of the training videos that are distributed along with the products and product manuals.
  4. Online distribution of training videos (shortened) versions can help the new clients know about the product in depth. The information typically much more than the product demonstration video.
  5. Training video serve as a benchmark of future trainings and are pretty handy tools to explain a feature to a person who is keen to know about it.

We have HD training videos for various companies. One of the recent one was at Valsad factory for Investa Pumps Pvt. Ltd.

The training video was aimed at distributors as well as other manufacturers who had purchased their pumps and would require assistance in maintaining and servicing the products.

Industrial Training Video: Advantages »

Technical Training Video: Brazing Training (Theory & Practical) »

Technical Training Video: Pump Maintenance »

The overall costing in hiring a faculty; managing resources and logistics become a haunting task for the companies. Hence, from the short term as well as long term perspective; training videos deliver 100% value for money.

Training videos are an ideal tool to explain the various features of a product; from unpackaging to its usage.

Applications »

Industrial training videos are versatile tools with a wide range of applications. Here are ten common applications of industrial training videos:

  • Employee Onboarding: Use videos to introduce new employees to your company's policies, culture, and work environment.
  • Safety Training: Create safety videos to educate employees on best practices, emergency procedures, and the safe operation of equipment.
  • Machinery Operation: Train workers on how to use complex machinery and equipment effectively and safely.
  • Quality Control and Inspections: Demonstrate quality control standards and inspection processes to maintain product quality.
  • Product Assembly: Provide step-by-step video instructions for assembling products, which can be especially helpful for complex items.
  • Compliance Training: Ensure that employees understand and follow industry regulations and legal requirements.
  • Process Demonstrations: Use videos to illustrate manufacturing or production processes, making it easier for employees to understand their roles.
  • Maintenance and Repair: Teach maintenance staff how to troubleshoot and repair equipment, extending the lifespan of machinery.
  • Customer Service Training: Train customer service representatives to effectively handle customer inquiries and issues.
  • Remote Learning: In situations like a global pandemic, use videos for remote training, allowing employees to learn from home.
  • Sales and Marketing: Create product training videos for your sales team to enhance their understanding and ability to communicate product features and benefits to clients.
  • Supplier and Vendor Training: Provide your suppliers and vendors with training videos to ensure they understand your quality and safety requirements.
  • Continuous Improvement: Share videos that highlight best practices and encourage employees to contribute to continuous improvement initiatives.

Industrial training videos offer a flexible and engaging way to educate employees and stakeholders, ensuring consistent knowledge transfer and improving overall productivity and safety in industrial settings.

Here is a training / demonstration video for a pharma company manufacturing stents. This video was shot at Vapi facility of the company and involved skilled demonstrators and careful handling as well as demonstration of the shoot. Macro video shoot was done to capture the fine details of the product.

There are several benefits of industrial training videos, that have been shot very well and a complete story is built around the concept.

Industrial Pump Assembly Video »

Medical Training Video »

Pharma Training Video »

Conclusion »

Training videos are an ideal methodology to impart knowledge in the most efficient manner. Once uploaded to the Youtube or intranet; the videos can be watched, understood and the knowledge is assimilated in a highly effective manner.

Feel free to contact us for the following videos »